

Biotechnologies for sustainable production of bio-based commodities and specialty products in a cardoon-based biorefinery



24 months


€ 300.000


€ 300.000

Project mission

The project aims at optimizing the use of industrial by-products and wastewaters as growth substrates for plant cell cultures and improving their growth in economically and environmentally sustainable conditions to evaluate the establishment of a
cardoon-based cell bio-factory in line with the principles of Circular Economy. Wild type and modified cell cultures will ensure a continuous supply of cardoon-based added value bioproducts to the industry, complementing field-produced cardoon biomass. Moreover, the proposed research activities are intended to develop knowledge and technical toolkits for genome editing in cardoon and related species, such as globe artichoke.

Communications materials

Belove the line

Webinar  January 27, 2021


10:30am The BOBCAT projectcontext and objectives Francesca Sparvoli - IBBA-CNR
10:40am Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds in thistle extracts and evaluation of their beneficial properties
Giulia Graziani - University of Naples Federico II
11:00am The role of genetics and biotechnology in supporting sustainable development: the production of modified cell cultures
Teresa Docimo - IBBR-CNR, Dario Paolo - IBBA-CNR
11:15am Production of plant cells on an industrial scale: strategies for increasing sustainability
Luca Langellotti - University of Naples Federico II
11:30am The life cycle analysis of the BOBCAT model Giuliana D’Imporzano - Consorzio Italbiotec
11:45am Conclusions 


Cosmetic, nutraceutical and bioplastic products from thistle 

The Bobcat project biorefinery model

Francesca Sparvoli, CNR - IBBA

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds in thistle extracts and evaluation of their beneficial properties 

Dott.ssa Giulia Graziani Dipartimento di Farmacia – Università degli studi di Napoli «Federico II»

Biotechnologies for sustainable production of bio-based commodities and specialty products in a cardoon-based biorefinery

"The role of genetics and biotechnology in supporting sustainable development: the production of modified cell cultures"

Teresa Docimo IBBR-UOS Portici

The role of genetics and biotechnology in supporting sustainable development: the production of modified cell cultures


Production of plant cells on an industrial scale. Strategies for increasing sustainability

Production of plant cells from the laboratory to industry 

Antonio Luca Langellotti

LCA Bobcat model

Environmental analysis of the production model of cardoon cells

Giuliana D’Imporzano

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Project Partners

Università di Napoli Federico II

Registered office
Piazza della Trivulziana, 4/A
20126 Milan (IT)
Piazza della Trivulziana, 4/A
20126 Milan (IT)